Attorney Spotlight – Leslie Winneberger

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Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman’s Attorney Spotlight for December is Leslie A. Winneberger. Leslie has been practicing law for almost 25 years, seven of which have been at Harman Claytor, and focuses her practice on Church/Religious/Faith-Based Institutions and Local Government matters.

Leslie A. Winneberger

1. Where are you from originally? — Sterling, Virginia.

2. What has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far? — Raising strong and independent children (still a work in progress). Photo of my almost independent children practicing their life skills below.

3. Do you have any pets? — A beautiful wavy haired black and white Labradoodle with a beard named Loretta Lynn (who sheds but I love her anyway).

4. If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be? — Always my grandma’s farm in West Virginia.  I used to spend a good portion of my summers there as a child, and it still remains my happy place.  My sisters and I got to be free range children before it was a thing. I have a deep love for the land, my extended family, and the memories we make there.

5. If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring? — I’m pragmatic:  a multi-tool, some rope, and my husband (technically not a thing, but who can build or fix anything).  

6. What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on and why? — During the pandemic, we bought a camper and took our kids on a two-week adventure to Utah and back.  Our trip included visits to nine national parks and daily questions from our children about whether the next campground had WiFi. We continue our visits to the national parks, although our teenagers are less enthusiastic about camping.  Picture from our camping trip below. 

7. What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery? — A large plot of land in the country where I would build multiple tiny houses for my closest girlfriends, who I have known since elementary and middle school (and their significant others). We’d require a firepit, swimming pool, dogs, and a little donkey. Photo of some of my girlfriends who will join my future tiny home village below. 

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