Attorney Spotlight – Missy York

Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman’s Attorney Spotlight for June is Melissa Y. York. Missy has been at Harman Claytor for almost ten years, but practicing law for 16 years. Her practice focuses mainly on employment and local government defense, with a specific concentration on the defense of claims against school boards and their employees.

1. Where are you from originally? — Hanover County, Virginia.
2. When have you felt the proudest and why? — I feel proudest when I am watching my children excel at something, whether it be school or sports. It is great watching them achieve.
3. What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years? — Make the most of every day. I think COVID really helped to put things in perspective. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so be present and live life to the fullest.
4. Do you have any pets? — We have a 3-year-old Pitbull-Coonhound mix. She’s the sweetest dog and is great with the kids. She loves camping with us and “recharging” in the sun.
5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work? — Reading and watching my kids play sports. I am a proud boy mom and swim mom so you can often find me at a swim meet, a basketball game, or watching the boys play backyard baseball. I am also rarely without my Kindle in tow. I set a goal to read 50 books this year and have already finished 32!
6. What would your perfect weekend look like? — Camping with my family! After much discussion, we purchased a travel trailer in October 2022, and love taking trips together. Whether we are traveling far (we’ve camped in seven states in just under two years) or staying local, there is nothing better than sitting outside reading a book while the kids fish, ride their bikes, or play at the playground. It is a great way to unwind, unplug, and recharge.
7. What’s something that you’ve always wanted to try or learn? — I’ve always thought it would be great to be able to play the piano. I played the clarinet for 7 years, but never took piano lessons.